Looking for more information? Please consult the following websites.
Belgian websites (sometimes only in Dutch and French)
- The Belgian Antibiotic Policy Coordination Committee (BAPCOC)
- The first national public campaign in Belgium, using slogans such as: 'Use antibiotics less frequently, but better’ and ‘Save antibiotics, they may save your life”: www.red-antibiotica.org
- The Belgian federal portal site: www.belgium.be
- The Federal Public Service of Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment: www.health.belgium.be/en
- The Belgian National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (RIZIV/INAMI): riziv.fgov.be
- The Socialist Health Association:www.gezondmail.be
- The Christian Health Association: www.cm.be
- The Independent Health Associations: www.mloz.be
- A site on health: www.gezondheid.be
- A health guide: www.e-gezondheid.be
- A website on babies: www.baby.be
Foreign websites
- Become an Antibiotic Guardian and make a pledge!
- The European Antibiotic Awareness Day is organised by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) each year on 18 November: antibiotic.ecdc.europa.eu
- e-Bug, a European antibiotic and hygiene teaching resource: www.e-bug.eu
- Encyclopédie médicale: www.vulgaris-medical.com
- Fondation recherche médicale: www.frm.org
- L'encyclopédie de l'agora: agora.qc.ca
- Caring for Kids: www.caringforkids.cps.ca
- How stuff works: health.howstuffworks.com/question88.htm
- Alliance for the prudent use of antibiotics: www.tufts.edu/med/apua
- National Information Program on antibiotics: www.antibiotics-info.org